{% for subCategory in subCategoryList %}
{% if subCategory.leftmenu_flg == 1 %}
<li class="sub-cat-separator sub-cat-separator-caption">
{{ subCategory.category_name }}
{% elseif subCategory.category_is_hinban_link == 1 %}
{% if subCategory.category_menuname is defined and subCategory.category_menuname %}
<li class="hinban_link">
{{ subCategory.category_menuname | raw}}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if subCategory.category_id != "allitem" %}
{% set category_menuname = '' %}
{% if subCategory.category_menuname != '' %}
{% set category_menuname = subCategory.category_menuname %}
{% else %}
{% set category_menuname = (subCategory.category_name | replace({" ":""})) %}
{% endif %}
{# $category_menuname = replaceItemImageRoot($category_menuname); #}
{% set matches = [] %}
{% if preg_match('@^(<img[^>]+>)(.+)$@', category_menuname, matches) %}
{% set category_menuname = matches[2] %}
{% set category_image = matches[1] %}
{% else %}
{% set category_image = null %}
{% endif %}
{% if subCategory.ru_uri_after is defined and subCategory.ru_uri_after %}
<li class="category_link{% if subCategory.category_id == category.getCategoryId %} selected{% endif %}"><a href="{{ subCategory.ru_uri_after }}" {{ '円' in category_menuname ? 'rel="nofollow"' : '' }}>
{% else %}
<li class="category_link{% if subCategory.category_id == category.getCategoryId %} selected{% endif %}"><a href="/{{ canonicalMcName }}/{{ subCategory.category_webname }}/" {{ '円' in category_menuname ? 'rel="nofollow"' : '' }}>
{% endif %}
<span class="sub-cat-name"><span class="sub-cat-count">{{ category_menuname | raw }}</span>
{% if categoryCntList.subCategory.category_id is defined %}
{{ categoryCntList.subCategory.category_id }}
{% endif %}
{% if subCategory.cnt is defined and subCategory.cnt %}
({{ subCategory.cnt }})
{% endif %}
{% if category_image is defined %}
<br/>{{ category_image | raw }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}