{% include 'Common/ItemBanners.twig' %}
{% if useNewItemDescription is defined and useNewItemDescription %}
<div id="new-item-description">
<p class="new-item-description-title"><span class="new-item-description-title-en">DESCRIPTION</span><span class="new-item-description-title-ja">商品説明</span></p>
{% if data.goods_new_description is defined and data.goods_new_description|trim is not empty %}
<p class="new-item-description-contents">{{ data.goods_new_description | raw }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if data.goods_new_name is defined and data.goods_new_name|trim is not empty %}
<td>{{ data.goods_new_name }}</td>
{% endif %}
<td>{{ hinbanStr | display_text }}</td>
{% if data.goods_new_maker is defined and data.goods_new_maker %}
<td>{{ data.goods_new_maker }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if newDescriptionColors is defined and newDescriptionColors %}
{{ newDescriptionColors }}
{% endif %}
{% if data.goods_new_material is defined and data.goods_new_material %}
<td>{{ data.goods_new_material | raw }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if data.goods_new_spec is defined and data.goods_new_spec %}
<td>{{ data.goods_new_spec | raw }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if data.goods_new_annotation is defined and data.goods_new_annotation %}
<p class="annotation">{{ data.goods_new_annotation | raw }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if data.goods_sample_rental is defined and data.goods_sample_rental != '1' %}
<p class='has-no-sample'>※この商品はサンプルの貸し出しができません</p>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if isShowLeftmenu is defined and isShowLeftmenu %}
<img src="https://img0.land-mark.biz/ut_img/public_images/image_dt/ttl_hitokoto.jpg" alt="ひとこと" class="lttl">
{% else %}
<img src="https://img0.land-mark.biz/ut_img/public_images/image_dt/ttl_hitokoto.gif" alt="ひとこと" class="lttl">
{% endif %}
{% if data.goods_breadcrumb_category_name is defined and data.goods_breadcrumb_category_name and data.goods_breadcrumb_category_link == 1 %}
<div class="breadcrumb_category comment"><a href="{{ data.goods_breadcrumb_category_url | display_text }}">{{ data.goods_breadcrumb_category_name | display_text }}シリーズページへ</a></div>
{% endif %}
{% if data.goods_breadcrumb_category_name4 is defined and data.goods_breadcrumb_category_name4 and data.goods_breadcrumb_category_link4 == 1 %}
<div class="breadcrumb_category comment"><a href="{{ data.goods_breadcrumb_category_url4 | display_text }}">{{ data.goods_breadcrumb_category_name4 | display_text }}シリーズページへ</a></div>
{% endif %}
{% if koeCategoryId is defined and koeCategoryId != '' %}
<div class="users-voice-link">
<a href="{{ url('message/index', { category: koeCategoryId}) }}">事例が見つかる!お客様の声【{{ koeCategoryName }}特集】はコチラ ≫≫</a>
{% endif %}
<div class="ltxt">
{{ (data.goods_detail | lm_sashikomi) | raw }}
{% if data.goods_size_url is defined and data.goods_size_url != '' %}
<a href=" {{data.goods_size_url}}&height=300&width=400" title="size" class="thickbox"><img src="https://img0.land-mark.biz/ut_img/public_images/btn_size.gif" alt="サイズ表" width="140" height="24" /></a>
{% endif %}
{% if isShowLeftmenu is defined and isShowLeftmenu %}
<img src="https://img0.land-mark.biz/ut_img/public_images/image_dt/ttl_jyouhou.jpg" alt="商品情報" class="lttl">
{% else %}
<img src="https://img0.land-mark.biz/ut_img/public_images/image_dt/ttl_jyouhou.gif" alt="商品情報" class="lttl">
{% endif %}
<div class="ltxt">
{% if data.goods_material is defined and data.goods_material %}
{{ data.goods_material | raw }}
{% endif %}
{% if data.goods_sample_rental is defined and data.goods_sample_rental != '1' %}
<p class='border'>※この商品はサンプルの貸し出しができません</p><br/>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}